Learning from home

Learning from home during lockdown.

The first thing I need to say is well done to the tamariki of Room 4 and around the globe, for being so resilient in the face of such rapid social change.   You have all learned how to do things another way so that we can still connect as a class, check in with how we are going, share what learning we have been doing and share anything else that comes to mind. 

My second shout out goes to all the parents who are home with their tamariki, some juggling working from home and homeschooling, others not.  Whatever your personal situation is, keep doing what you can. 

My third mention goes to all essential workers out there doing their mahi while we take shelter at home. 

One thing I am really glad for is that our class was already using our class site and so were used to accessing tasks from on there.  This enabled us to launch a combined site for Room 1 and 4 learners to use as a one stop education shop for accessing our google meets, tracking their learning, choosing what can do and must do tasks to do, and lots of fun extras to help bust any boredom bugs creeping in. 

Some highlights of our google meets so far have been, meet my pet day, my favourite spot in the garden, sharing jokes and figuring out how to play kahoots together.  I have been so impressed with how much more naturally kids are speaking on google meet now, and will continue to encourage them to unmute and chip into the conversation with the person whose turn it is to share. 

Please share with us in the comments below, what you have liked about our Learning from home site and learning options.  


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