Week 4 - There's a bit of a problem in the PE shed.

We finished off Week 4 with a STEM challenge that some learners found gross and difficult, others found it interesting and were successful.  We were trying to see if we could make a plastic using milk and vinegar.  Afterwards we reflected and found that although we used the same instructions and ingredients, some people were able to easily seperate the curds and whey when others barely had any curds at all.  The learners wondered whether it was to do with their mixing, the milk temperature or the amount of vinegar.  Fantastic scientific thinking Room 4!

Jaxon separating the whey from the curd.
Abhay with his mixture ready to drain. 

Room 4 and the PE shed problems:

This term Room 4's responsibility is to be on PE shed duty, 2 students each day take care of loaning out gear and making sure it is returned.  They came in one day after lunch to talk about all the things going on that were making it difficult.  The first part of the clip is illustrating the issues or problems and the second part shows how we expect it to be done.  
Well done to the brave actors and actresses who volunteered to act out both poor and positive behaviours.  

Please comment below if you have some suggestions of how we could support the students to borrow gear positively.


  1. Wow a naturally made plastic! Looks like a fun experiment and that's the thing about testing and experimenting, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Well done room 4.

  2. What a neat video you made! Looks like its a tricky job to do the PE shed. I hope lots of kids watch your video. Could be something for School Assembly?

  3. What an interesting experiment Room 4. Did you use fresh milk or didn’t it matter? Milk that wasn’t fresh would make me feel a bit sick I think! Did the vinegar curdle the milk?


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