Student led mini sports unit.

 Towards the end of the term Honu were split into teams, we voted on a summer sport, touch was the most popular, and all team members were assigned a responsibility for their team:

- Warm up and cool down specialist, plan and lead warm up and cool down using exercises and stretches we have practiced over the year.

- Skills and drills coach, plan and lead a skills and drills session to improve team skills for touch.

- Tactical coach, plan and give advice to support players to understand the strategy of the game better, could include drills to improve areas that will support strategy in action.  

- Fitness coach, plan and lead fitness sessions so the team builds up endurance. 

- Referee, learned about the rules of touch and shadowed me when refereeing games so they could get the hang of it.  

All of the learners stepped up to meet their responsibilities by being prepared to lead their sessions and this helped to earn points for their team.  Due to unforeseen circumstances we did not get to play the culminating mini tournament, but will make time for this in Week 1.  The practice games we did play started to look more and more like touch rugby as the understanding of the rules and skills improved.  

It was fantastic to hear the tamariki encouraging one another on the field and when they were practicing.  

Skills session on the go.

Skills session, practicing backwards passing.

Warm up session, Betsy was a hard task master!

Warm up session.



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