Learning to lean on each other - literally.

Learning to lean on each other - literally.

Week 1 flew by!  Our focus was on building relationships and setting expectations.  We found out more about each other during team building and trust activities.  It was interesting to see learners shine their light in different ways at different times.  During a whole class discussion I asked, "What does collaborate mean?"  Lots of different answers were given to show their understanding and that all added up to be a great Room 4 definition.

Quite challenging to stand up with linked arms back to back in pairs.

Happy faces all round, much easier with combined strength.

Showing respect by helping each other up, communicating and problem solving.

Many of the activities required the learners to collaborate in pairs, small groups and whole class in order to problem solve.  One collaborative activity we are still in the middle of is our collaborative toi (art).  Each person had a part of the whole picture and step one was seeing how all 30 parts could join up to make one beautiful image.  The problem was no one knew what the picture was going to be and the solution was using communication and a growth mindset to get it together.  Once all of the pieces were joined together we could see it was Whaitere the enchanted stingray kaitiaki.  Picture to come once up on our wall. 

We learned we collaborate we are stronger together than we are alone. The tamariki proved it with a trust activity where they needed to sit on each others laps.  I am certain the tamariki will get more comfortable and trust one another more over the year and do this with a higher amount of confidence and trust.

What awesome team building activities have you done in the past?  Share below and Room 4 will have a go at doing it in Week 3. 


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