Room 4 learning about waste not want not and all sorts of other things!

Co-writing our class blog.

This weeks class blog post served as a lesson about how to write a quality blog post.  First we brainstormed what we have learned this week.  The class came up with 7 main ideas, waste not want not, playing whakapapa and whakapiri catching games with cabbage tree blocks, learning to type fast on Typing Club, learning about our Pepeha by visiting our awa, learning to trust each other doing trust exercises, learning during Discovery time and learning how to do Power Tuhituhi.

Waste not, want not.  By Indie, Aria and Zoe.

This week we started to learn about waste not, want not.  We think it is important that people don't chuck rubbish on the beach.  We reuse stuff so that no plastic goes into the ocean and our Moana.  If you find some rubbish reuse it.  

Playing whakapapa and whakapiri catching and throwing games with our cabbage tree blocks.  By Stormur, Ollie, Kalani and Prince.  

We learned that the blocks were used in the Maori days.  You can practice flipping it.  You can balance it on your forehead.  You can play whakapiri and whakapapa by passing it with a flat palm facing up and your partner catches it with a flat palm facing up.  It is hard because you can't catch it with your fingers.  You can also work with your partner to put it down on the ground without touching it with your hands.

Learning to type fast on Typing club.  By Koka Rozie.

This week the tamariki in Room 4 learned about how to use Typing Club to practice their touch typing for 10 minutes after lunch each day.  Already they are better than before!  

Learning about our Pepeha by visiting our awa.  By Kobi, Jackson and Nate.

At Hamanatua Stream we learned about the history and how there was a wanganga (school) by the awa where the Maori people learned about the atua and how to care for the people who had passed away.  
There was graffiti, some of it was cool and some wasn't.  We learned that Wainui Beach School kids in the past wanted to paint it with a nice mural, but we can't.  
We also saw the fennel and learned that it takes the moisture away from the native plants.  We were learning about the awa and how we need to take care of it by picking up the rubbish and weeding  the fennel so the harakeke can grow bigger.   

Trust building.  By Harry S, Harry M and Archie.

We were learning about being able to trust others.  Being able to put weight on each other and being able to rely on other people.  Knowing we are stronger together.  

Discovery.  By Raphi, Troy and Finn.  

At Tinkerlab I (Raphi) learned how to make useful things out of cardboard and not waste cardboard.  We used hot glue guns to connect it all together.  
I (Finn) made a mask because I am trying to make an Iron Man costume.  I learned to make the size a better fit, first it was too small and so I put the piece side on, then it was too long so I changed it until it fit.  
I (Troy) was learning how to saw when I was building a sail boat, I stuck the wood together using nails and hammer.  
Some tamariki also explored how different balls could be played with in the playground, there was transporting of balls, communicating and working together to get the balls up the eagle's nest climbing ropes and into the nest.

Power tuhituhi.  By Betsy, Lila and Matiria. 

We learned about cooler words and animals We get 20mins to write about our topic.  Koka Rozie puts two pictures on the board and we have to choose what one we would rather have.  Some options are underwater animals.  As an example, it was a cold drink of water or an ice block.  Sometimes we write about our holiday.  We have to write all of our ideas without talking.  

Ask your child what the highlight of their week was and comment below :)


  1. Awesome Room 4!! What a great first blog post. I look forward to reading about your future learning and adventures on here.

    1. Thank you Kelly, we will do a post again this Friday. From Room 4.

  2. Very cool. Indie was telling me all about the trust building..and lives the typing club etc .

    1. That is great that she loves the typing club. Once the cast is off her fingers will find their way around the key board.


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