Our new favourite game, Te Puru

Recently a few of the teachers from WBS attended a day of learning with Harko Brown and we learned how to make a ki (ball) with harakeke, to use a nikau palm frond to weave a manu (glider) and to make a kite using toetoe, harakeke and raupo.  After we made our ki, we learned how to play a game local to our rohe (area) called Te Puru.  

Dillyn passing the ki to Zoe.

Over the last two weeks Honu have been learning how to play Te Puru.  At first their feet were stuck, as if it were netball, but with each game they improved in leaps and bounds.  It has been so positive to see the improvement in communication, teamwork, strategy, footwork and ball skills.

Have you ever heard of the game called Te Puru before?  Ask your child to explain to you how the game works.    

Aria using her strategy to attempt to pass over Taimana, who has an impressive intercept. 


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